Thursday, 11 September 2008
Feedback on Flickr from the Hood 2.0 Workshop
From the Hood 2.0 Workshop.
Tuesday, 9 September 2008
Uses of ipod and similar devices
IPod applications
- demonstration of OSCI skills for nurses/health professions
- short (5-10 min) summaries of principles presented in lectures
- identification of reference material in the field from images e.g. geologcal structures, plants
Uses of mobile technologies (in Snowdonia)
umpc use
- placement students using them to maintain a portfolio when combined with a USB modem.
Group 81 (Sian, Manuella, Neil) Cheryl's gone - Qik time
Live video applications
- News reports - field trips - archaeological discoveries & capturing the excitement and spontaneous moments of discovery
- Opportunistic capture of random events
- Role playing - recording, sharing, comment & reflection
- Covert filming (?) - social activity but dubious legal standing
- Developing ideas of creative projects
- Gathering visual evidence for social research/hypotheses - lots of ethical issues
- Linking to stills on Flick'r, blogs and twitter type services to develop ideas for user created content
- Sports events and betting!!
- Teaching interviewing/presentation techniques
- Explaining visually
Twitter and Micro blogging
- Book Reviews
- Reviews of pretty much anything. The requirement of brevity is a crucial and positive part of this
- Brainstorming in a distributed group
- Developing commentries, social collabortative interaction.
- News commentary, updating people on a changing environment
Group 80 (Cheryl, Sian, Manuella, Neil) - Using microblogs in eLearning - Twitter and Jaiku
- Feedback from students during a lecture!
- Gather group resources (quick referencing)
- Reflective learning
Unfortunately Jaiku was down so we could not continue :)
I wonder if students like blogging... I don't. But then again, these are microblogs. Slowly but surely, you WILL be assimilated.
Alt-C & Seaside Piers
The question that remains is how you build embed the picture into a personalised "learning pathway" with instruction / objectives together with assessment / feedback
Ian Nairn
Flickr feedback
- Geotagging for geology and location based studies
- Panaromic images where direction of camera is important to stitch together images
- Fashion + design - using Flickr's wider arts community to comment and feedback on student's work and for the students to make links out in the community wider than their peer group
- Re-use of images using CC search for presentations/use in learning materials
- Using the area tagging for annotating technical/medical diagrams
- Photography students - try to get an image on the "interestingness" search
- Caption competitions using annotations
Group 79 (Neil, Sian, Cheryl, Manuella) Benefits of Flickr in eLearning
- portfolios
- field work
- illustrations (visual clues) especially in tests including hotspot questions
- learning map reading
- tourist guide
- geography / location learning
- transferable skills
- collaborating across communities
- community studies
Using Flick'r for learning
- Field trips - linking GPS data to the images - change over time, sharing student material in groups, within groups and between groups
- Student induction - physical location of newcomers to institutions - navigation a new environment
- Introduction to new class mates - familiarisation
- Generate, gather, present and describe a bank of images which students now and in the future may legitimately use for purposes of projects, assessed work etc within the disciplines they are working in
- Digital story telling - sources for this process may be presented on Flick'r
- Developing collaborative ideas and processes - groups working together rather than individuals only presenting - groups/sets functionality and tagging protocols help to develop this e.g. use this tag if you have participated in our student conference altc2008
- Sharing ideas, understanding and interpretations with crowd tagging, folders and "showcase" presentations - exemplars of objects/images - demonstrating best practice
- Recording longitudinal processes - building projects, taking projects from planning to delivery with images illustrating stages...., decline and decay as well as evolution
- Present a version of a conference
Seesmic - from Rowland
I am not convinced that it very useful when people can get together anyway but for those at a distance it may be both accessible and useful.
Seesmic - useful or not?
It could be useful for students to share ideas - to reflect on what has been learnt - as part of collaborative learning.
Hoody 2
It could be part of the smorgnasbord of audio/video applications which enable studenta nd educataors to communicate/assess/ respopnd and interact. These include Podcasting. Utube etc
Short presentations could probably make best use of the medium. The variations in use are infinite and with the facility to emabed and link the ssytem has the potentila to create a rich learning environment for the individual or group
Group 78 (Sian, Manuella, Neil) - Benefits of using Seesmic in eLearning,
- showcasing
- affective learning: humanity in distance learning
- contextualisation
- Face-to-face distance feedback
- extend the limitations of writing / talking / ... alone
including in language learning, sign language, body language e.g. in Nursing talking to different age group, performance: creative writing, acting etc
- transferable skills
- active learning
- scenarios
- reflective leaarning
- learning styles
- teach by example
Seesmic group feedback
- Easily usable by both students & teaching staff
- Particularly useful for on location work e.g. field trips for archeology, civil engineering, case studies
- Better network connectivity through mobile phones for remote locations (as opposed to laptop with wireless etc.)
- Excellent for distance learners who don't meet face to face & help with visual non-verbal communictation
- Recording questions during a live lecture e.g. this morning during the key note speech
Ideas for Seesmic in the classroom
- Showing real world events to the classroom - eg video of waterfall compared to particle model
- teaching students to use video with feedback on creativity
- Induction projects - presentations of personal video diaries or introduce students to physical spaces
- Supporting reflective learning
ideas for use of seesmic
These can be individual and/or on behalf of a group.
The process can create / reinforce new skills but we need to be mindful of students who may be shy, etc and give them support or alternatives such as podcasts to share their thinking
Ian Nairn
Seesmic (the earth moved)
One weakness we identified was that you can only reply using video - text woule be a useful alternative feedback tool - losts of students can find using video daunting, and may not be able to participate due to lack of skill or technophobia.
seemic -- Group in the back row
How private can these discussions be? Can people reply using text, photos, other media etc.?
Accessibility -- signing students, those who prefer face to face
Visual curriculum - e.g. Art, music
Thursday, 4 September 2008
Hood 2.0: it’s a Web 2.0 world out there
Hood 2.0: it’s a Web 2.0 world out there
This workshop will explore how using Web 2.0 can rethink the digital divide.
Gloucestershire College has been using Web 2.0 to enhance and enrich the learning process for a wide variety of learners across the breadth and depth of the curriculum. They have developed a range of learning scenarios and activities that are integrated into the learning process and support a diverse range of learners.
This workshop will demonstrate how Web 2.0 can be used to solve some of the issues facing diverse learners in this era of Facebook. YouTube, Twitter and then some...
The concept of Web 2.0 services in addressing the tensions between formal and informal learning, and empowering learners to take responsibility for their own learning will be examined. Then, how we need to address the pedagogical needs to drive the use of Web 2.0 services and not be blinded or awed by the technology of Web 2.0, will be explored.
During the workshop participants will be able to discuss and debate different learning scenarios and activities which utilise Web 2.0 services. Web 2.0 services will be used to demonstrate these scenarios.
Participants will discuss and debate these scenarios in small groups, covering how they could be utilised within their own institutions, examining the potential conflict between formal learning scenarios and the informal learning scenarios that Web 2.0 offers.
The groups will also discuss how the pedagogy needs to drive the scenarios and not the technology and address how Web 2.0 can empower learners to take responsibility for their own learning. Each group will provide feedback through either a blog entry, an audio podcast or a video presentation. These will then be made available online to allow participants to comment and continue the discussion beyond the workshop, and also allow other conference delegates to participate in the discussion.
After the workshop, the participants will have a greater understanding of the role of Web 2.0 in addressing the digital divide.
They will have considered how Web 2.0 can help resolve the tensions between formal and informal learning; discussed how Web 2.0 technologies in themselves mustn’t drive the learning, but support the pedagogy; and debated how Web 2.0 can empower learners to take responsibility for their learning.
The participants will have presented the results of their discussion and debate, through the use of a variety of learning technologies, to other participants and to other conference delegates.
The mobility of learning: using mobile learning to rethink the digital divide
The mobility of learning: using mobile learning to rethink the digital divide
Mobile technologies and mobile learning have the potential to change the way in which learners can engage and interact with learning.
Gloucestershire College has been using mobile learning to enhance and enrich the learning process, for a range of learners, across the curriculum. They have developed a range of learning scenarios and activities that are integrated into the learning process and support a diverse range of learners.
Mobile technologies will be used by the participants within the workshop to examine how they can be used for learning and will also be used to feed back the outcomes from the workshop.
In this workshop, small groups of participants will examine the potential of mobile technologies and mobile learning to rethink the digital divide, including addressing the tensions between formal and informal learning, enabling access and removing exclusion, and empowering learners to take responsibility for their own learning.
The workshop introduction will provide an exploration of mobile learning and mobile technologies. Participants will discuss and debate mobile learning scenarios, and cover how they could be utilised within their own institutions, examining the potential conflict between formal learning and informal learning that mobile learning offers. They will also debate the idea and concept that mobile learning is accessible and inclusive for all learners. The small group discussion will also address how mobile learning can empower learners to take responsibility for their own learning. The groups will then feedback through a blog entry, an audio podcast or a video presentation. This feedback will be made available online to allow comment and further discussion beyond the workshop and with other conference delegates.
After the workshop, participants will have a greater understanding of the role of mobile learning in addressing the digital divide. Mobile technologies will have been used within the workshop by the participants to understand the learning scenarios, and the participants will have presented the workshop outcomes through a variety of learning technologies.